
New SB31 Series Sickle Bar Mowers

Sickle Bar Mowers
SB31 Series Sickle Bar Mowers
Key Features
  • Belt-driven cutter blades
  • Adjustable skid shoes
  • Cutting arm flexes up to 90 degrees, or as low as -45 degrees
  • iMatchTM compatible

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Adjustable skid shoes control working height
Adjustable skid shoes Adjustable skid shoes

The adjustable skid shoes on the cutterbar make it easy to control the working height of Frontier™ sickle-bar mowers.

Belt-driven cutter blades manually adjust for added tension
SB11 Series belt-driven cutter blades shown SB11 Series belt-driven cutter blades shown

The cutter blades on the Frontier™ sickle-bar mowers are belt driven with a manual adjustment for tension. 

Breakaway mechanism has been strengthened
Stronger for added life and cutterbar protection Stronger for added life and cutterbar protection

The enhanced breakaway mechanism has been strengthened on the SB31 Series Sickle-Bar Mowers for improved cutterbar protection and longer machine life.

Cylinder stop redesigned
Can be operated from tractor seat Can be operated from tractor seat

The redesigned cylinder stop can be raised from the operator station by a cable and attached pull rope. This allows the operator to raise the cutterbar fully to move around obstacles without leaving the tractor seat.

Knife and guard maintenance
Cutterbar knife guard Cutterbar knife guard

The bolt-on cutterbar knife guards and the riveted sections on the Frontier™ sickle-bar mowers can be removed and replaced individually.

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