
New 6125M Low-Profile Tractor

6M Series
6125M Low-Profile Tractor
Key Features
  • 125-HP John Deere PowerTech PVX 4.5L engine
  • Available in cab or open-station configuration
  • Standard 21-GPM pressure-compensated hydraulics; 30-GPM pressure-flow compensated system available
  • Choose from a range of available transmissions

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Grading blade creates cutting action
Cuts, levels, and smooths dirt Cuts, levels, and smooths dirt

Frontier™ LL Series Drawn Box Blades are equipped with a 152.4-mm (6-in.) tall, 16-mm (0.625-in.) thick grading blade that creates a cutting action while leveling and smoothing dirt.

Hydraulically control the height
LL13 Series shown LL13 Series shown
LL12 Series shown LL12 Series shown

Hydraulically controlling the height of the scraper creates ease for the operator and allows more precision, accuracy, and a smoother finish no matter the Frontier™ LL Series Drawn Box Scraper used.

Manually adjusted scarifier
LL11 Series scarifier LL11 Series scarifier

The LL11 Series Drawn Box Scrapers come standard with six manually adjustable scarifiers, built to rip through the toughest surfaces.

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