
New iGrade™

Field & Crop Solutions
Key Features
  • Automate scraper adjustments to form land based upon water management software recommendations
  • Take advantage of plane control, grade control, and cross-slope compensation to achieve desired land forming results
  • Utilize horizontal RTK level accuracy without the need for additional laser guidance corrections

More Info


Spend more time operating and less time moving laser components

Leave the frustrations of a laser system’s setup and maximum operating range behind. iGrade™ leveling system is a global positioning system (GPS) based water management system that can be used up to 2 km (1.2 miles) from an RTK base station.  


iGrade’s performance is not affected by factors that traditionally impact lasers such as dust, wind, and operating at night. This allows more work to be done without the hassle of moving base stations or waiting for outside conditions to improve.


iGrade is not intended for precise, finish-grading applications. While users may experience sub-inch grading performance, environmental variations could cause vertical accuracy to vary up to +/- 5 cm (2 in.) from pass to pass. Click here to learn more about StarFire receiver vertical accuracy.

Eliminate manual adjustments

An iGrade™ leveling system activation (requires Application Controller 1100) reduces operator fatigue by automatically controlling the height of the scraper blade in water management applications. Manual adjustments are no longer needed.

iGrade teams up with the Application Controller 1100 to constantly keep the scraper on grade, allowing the operator to spend more time focusing on the machinery and task.

Utilize many of the same John Deere components already owned

An iGrade™ leveling system activation works with many of the different John Deere Precision Ag Technology components that producers may already own such as:

  • 4600 CommandCenter™ Display/4640 Universal Display
  • 4200 CommandCenter Display/4240 Universal Display
  • GreenStar™ 3 2630 Display
  • StarFire™ 3000 Receiver or StarFire 6000 Receiver
  • AutoTrac™ assisted steering system
  • Surface Water Pro™ Plus software on GreenStar 3 2630 and GreenStar 2 2600 Displays only

It requires a vehicle global positioning system (GPS) only; the receiver must have an SF2 or greater signal level.

NOTE: Do not mismatch generations. If a StarFire 3000 is used on the machine, a StarFire 3000 must be used on the implement if utilizing a second receiver for specific operation.

NOTE: See this link for further StarFire 6000 compatibility information.

iGrade is approved for the following platforms:

  • Compatible tractors:
    • Non-John Deere tractors, 60 Series and older tractors, 5XXX, 6X00, 6X10, 6X30, 7X00, 7X10, and Small- Frame 7X20/7X30 Tractors
      • Compatible using external selective control valve (SCV) and external SCV switch.
    • 7X20 small frame, 8X00, 8X10, 8X20, 9X00, 9X10, and 9X20
      • Compatible using John Deere legacy SCV. Running with John Deere legacy requires using SCVs 1 or 3 and connecting the UCC harness to the option connector at the rear of the tractor cab.
    • 7X30, 8X30, U8, 9X30, 6R (Final Tier 4 [FT4] only), 7R, 8R/RT, and 9R/RT/RX
      • Compatible using John Deere proprietary SCV type. Any SCVs can be used and an option connector is not used.
    • 6R, 6M*, 7R, 8R/RT, and 9R/RT/RX
      • Compatible using ISO SCV type. Any SCVs can be used and an option connector is not used.
      • *When equipped with optional electronic SCVs.
    • AutoTrac compatibility
      • Compatible with integrated AutoTrac, AutoTrac Controller, and AutoTrac Universal

iGrade requires the receiver to have an RTK signal level. iGrade does not support WAAS, EGNOS, SF1, SF2, or SF3 signal levels.

The John Deere Application Controller 1100 is required for iGrade activation.

Harness compatibility

UCC2 Application Controller 1100 (serial number PCXL01C201000+) is not compatible with original UCC1 Application Controller 1100 harnessing. Plugging the UCC2 controller into UCC1 harnessing will cause CAN bus issues due to no terminator in the circuit. 

Harness options

Ensure UCC2 main harness PFA11888 is used with the UCC2 Application Controller and replaces the existing harness connection. Adaptor harness schematics are available in the Technical Manual to create a wiring adaptor from UCC2 Application Controller 1100 to the existing harnessing from a UCC1 system.

Minimize earthmoving costs with cut-fill maps
Cut-fill maps Cut-fill maps

Cut-fill maps allow producers to create desired contours by moving the least amount of earth. Cut-fill maps provide best-fit or multi-fit plane designs. Beyond land leveling, this solution can be used for infrastructure design of surface drainage, contours, and terraces.


iGrade™ leveling system offers cut-fill maps when teamed up with additional software and hardware. Learn more about iGrade and cut-fill maps from a local John Deere dealer.

Maximize vertical accuracy with the use of the iGrade™ StarFire™ Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) antenna

The StarFire 6000 Receiver is not currently compatible with external antennas. The vertical accuracy performance of the StarFire 6000 with internal antenna for iGrade applications is similar to that of the StarFire 3000 with external iGrade antenna.

The iGrade StarFire GNSS antenna (iGrade antenna) facilitates enhanced performance of the implement’s StarFire 3000 Receiver when utilized for iGrade that requires maximum vertical precision.

Vertical accuracy can be impacted by signal interference that the StarFire 3000 Receiver is susceptible to, such as multipath. The iGrade antenna resists signal interference, allowing for the rejection of error that can typically be caused by multipath effects. It is compatible with global positioning system (GPS) offering L1, L2, and L5 satellite signals and Russian satellite constellation (GLONASS) offering G1 and G2 satellite signals, as well as the StarFire network (L-band), making it an excellent enhancement to the StarFire 3000 Receiver.

The iGrade antenna is only necessary for iGrade users demanding the highest possible vertical accuracy for their applications and should not be installed on the following:

  • Tractor-mounted receivers
  • Implement receivers in horizontal-accuracy-only applications

The iGrade antenna is only compatible with StarFire 3000 Receivers and is only intended for use on the implement receiver utilizing iGrade or other earthmoving applications. The StarFire 3000 Receiver must remain mounted to the same implement as the iGrade antenna being utilized. Use of the iGrade StarFire GNSS antenna in any other manner is neither permitted nor supported and can degrade desired performance of the paired receiver.

NOTE: Do not mismatch generations. If a StarFire 3000 is used on the machine, a StarFire 3000 must be used on the implement.

The iGrade antenna is recommended for commercial and high-use operators of iGrade using StarFire 3000 Receivers. Use of the iGrade antenna generally improves performance when experiencing conditions described above, but does not guarantee sub-inch grading accuracy.

External selective control valve (SCV)
External SCV External SCV

Mechanical SCVs on non-John Deere tractors, 60 series and older tractors, 5XXX, 6X00, 6X10, 6X30, 7X00, 7X10, and Small-Frame 7X20/7X30 Tractors are compatible using an external SCV and external SCV switch. An external SCV kit (open or closed center hydraulic system) is available to work in conjunction with iGrade™ leveling system to enable automatic control of the scraper blade.

The external SCV kit includes an open or a closed center valve, SCV switch, mounting bracket, and harness. Kit components will need to be mounted to the tractor and implement. The kit can be ordered through the Precision Ag Technology Price Pages. Only one external valve can be used on a system.

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